You might be scared or nervous but middle school is not that bad. You get more freedom and responsibility.
You need to use your freedom wisely.When I say more freedom I mean more choices. At lunch you get too chose what you want to eat. Also you get too chose if you want to be in choir or be in study hall.
When I say freedom I mean more stuff to chose from.
You need to use your responsibility wisely. What I mean by responsibility is that you have more stuff to take care of. You got to get you computer charged every day. Also get your reading log and planner signed.What I mean by responsibility is that you have more stuff to take care of.
You might be frightened or nervous but middle school is not that frightening.You get more choices and more stuff to take care of.
Category Archives: reading
“When The Whole World is Silent even one Voice Becomes Powerful’
Education is important to malala becuase she enjoyed it as a child. It was differnt were she live than were I live.”You must wear a burqa you are bringing shame.” Before she was able to talk she was I a class room.”Even before I could talk I rumbled into a class room.”Malala educated many becuase,she enjoyed it as a child.
Cristmas day
those presents were eye balling me in the face
waking up seeing that shiny bow
waching the parents cooking the scumsh meal
it was geting exiting all ready
seeing what cristmas costume the dogs were going to were
the faces everbody made
The Generation of Technology