You might be scared or nervous but middle school is not that bad. You get more freedom and responsibility.
You need to use your freedom wisely.When I say more freedom I mean more choices. At lunch you get too chose what you want to eat. Also you get too chose if you want to be in choir or be in study hall.
When I say freedom I mean more stuff to chose from.
You need to use your responsibility wisely. What I mean by responsibility is that you have more stuff to take care of. You got to get you computer charged every day. Also get your reading log and planner signed.What I mean by responsibility is that you have more stuff to take care of.
You might be frightened or nervous but middle school is not that frightening.You get more choices and more stuff to take care of.
Category Archives: English
Invase Apoclaypes
Have you seen beautiful flowers on the lake but did you ever stop and think it could harm the whole lake? Well you are probably saying to yourself how can you help you can help by spreading the word. By posting signs, telling friends, and family Crayfish and Bufflehead ducks are two solutions that will help insure the invasive species.
The word invasive species means it is not native or not originally there. Native means original place it lives. The problem that I’m trying to explains is that invasive species are taking over our hand made lakes and clogging our water pipes. Weevils, liquid fertilizer,herbicide and fluridone are not working.
Crayfish have been know to eat 6,000 zebra mussels a year. If it was not for them we would not be able to get drinking water. But knowing that we need breed more cause the zebra mussel are endangering more animals each day. Most people just what for someone to fix but if we all do that no one is going to fix our water and there goes water bye bye.
Bufflehead ducks will also help get rid of zebra mussel too. Almost all ducks will help with the zebra mussel, but the bufflehead ducks eats the most and is the best option. But it won’t get the invisible larva of your boat. If you have someon your boat it can 180,000 fine and more than 3 years in jail.
Crayfish and bufflehead are my two solutions to fix invasive species. You are probably saying to yourself I better tell them about invasive species.
Malala Words and the Words of Others
“I stand with Malala because there should be more educated children and people like her.” by Selena Gomez. In “I Am Malala” Malala gets support the speeches she makes to the blog post on the internet. Malala got support from her family to encourage her to stand up to the Taliban. When we are in need we have support from your family.
Malala got support from her family when she started to do the blog post for the BBc. “The BBC helped Malala do her blog posts against the Taliban.” Beyonce
made a face book post about Malala. Malala had help that allowed her to stand up to the Taliban.
On the other hand,we get support from our family. ” My dad tells my I think about you every day and help support decisions”. Support can make trust and hope so that’s why we all need it. People need help in life and the help we get is great from the people . We get help from teachers,parents and more.
I stand with Malala there need more educated people in life. When we are in need we have help from the people that are around you.
Malala and the inportance of her speechs
Malala made her voice heard for equal rights and making speechs.”We planned an assembly at school with the girls.” She trys to make the Taliban leave by makeing a blog post. “The B.B.C trys to teach me how to make a bolg post. Malala and her speechs are like lions and there roars. Her strength is strong gorrilla. Malala voice was was heard from the eqallty speechs she made.
“When The Whole World is Silent even one Voice Becomes Powerful’
Education is important to malala becuase she enjoyed it as a child. It was differnt were she live than were I live.”You must wear a burqa you are bringing shame.” Before she was able to talk she was I a class room.”Even before I could talk I rumbled into a class room.”Malala educated many becuase,she enjoyed it as a child.
The Generation of Technology
Technology is cool with communication however talking in person is more physical and emotional.Despite bearing some minor similarities,the differences between talking in person and talking in technology are striking.Here are some s and differences about communication in person and technology.Texting someone is harder to get your topic through. Because when you text they can’t see your face express so they don’t know to if you’re serious. Like when my mom text me that we were going to have pizza a night and I took it serious so I clean the house and she meant it not serious.Talking to someone in person may take longer but it is more enjoyable than talking with technology.Here are some similarities.Both ways the person is talking by spoken and writing words.The words you speak and the words you say can cheer some one up and bring them down.The books people write and the stories people tell.Both ways a person can bully you.People can call you names in real life. People can cyber bully in online. Talking in person is cool however technology can kill some one.Despite being minor technology and talking in person are striking.
Words Reflection of Out of My Mind
Don’t ful around with words
They are small but strong
people want them to have power over me
you can bring joy or fear
They make me dizzy
they trick you like a puzzle
sometimes there stuck
More they come more pain
They drive me insane
don’t fool around with words
Literary Response
Out of My Mind has changed the plot in many ways. Because her getting a little sister changed the plot by melody being like telepathic with her mom . “I knew she was going to have a baby even before she did.” however her getting a little sister made her parents argue like a lion. “Don’t you throw that in my face!” Sometimes It took them even longer for them to get ready in the morning .“go get me a diaper and a pink shirt for melody”I hope you enjoyed what I told you about the plot changes from Out of My Mind.By Jordan
Out of my Mind
I love how the author writes the book.I admire how descriptive she was in the book.”And then unbelievably,plop! I was on my stomach.”I can see it in my mind.She was amazing writing from melody point of view.”I can’t feed myself,take myself to the bathroom”. It make me feel what she is going through. The author lets me know what disabled family go through.”I wanted to tell her warn her they were dangerous”. “But all I can do is kick and point and scream”. her mom think that she is disbehave in the story. The author did a great job in the Out of.